— Storytelling : CB Forbess |Community Moment : Financial resources | Music: Jim Kam | Weekly Sunday Gathering — Baker Ripley, 6500 Rookin, Houston, TX
Main Topic: Story Telling
Main Speaker : CB Forbess
CB is a valued member of our community and a volunteer for organizing our sunday gathering every week. His career has taken him through educational institutions and the military.
Community Moment by Val Smith
Val Smith will give a 10 minute talk on financial resources.
Music : Jim Kam
Jim Kam plays Chapman Stick, a 2 handed tapping guitar. Aside from some originals, improvisations, he also plays meditational music at monthly Restorative Yoga events at Home Yoga and Fitness in Spring, Texas. He is also a portrait and figure photographer.
Join In Person
6500 Rookin St
Houston, TX 77074
Doors open at 10:00 AM. Gathering starts at 11:00 AM
COVID-19 Policy:
To join via Zoom, please check the Houston Oasis Facebook private page, Houston Oasis on meetup.com, or message someone you know in Houston Oasis for the link. You can also join our mailing list at www.houstonoasis.org/join to receive future event links via email.