—  Health Disparities | Dr Dan Potter | Weekly Sunday Gathering —  The Montrose Center 401 Branard St #106, Houston, TX 77006

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Main Talk : Health Disparities by Dr Dan Potter

Musician: TBD

Main Talk:

Despite having one of the largest medical centers in the world, the health of many Houston-area residents suffers because of the influence that built environment and other non-medical drivers of health make on people's outcomes. Using data from over 5,000 Houston-area residents, the presentation will focus on what was learned from residents about their health, including self-ratings of physical health, mental health, and physical fitness as well as chronic health conditions. Finally, the presentation will delve into some of the key non-medical drivers of health, including housing instability and food insecurity.

Main Speaker Bio:

Daniel Potter, Ph.D., is the Director of the Houston Population Research Center at the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University. In his role, Dr. Potter has built and leads a full-service survey research team has worked with local nonprofits, school districts, health agencies, and other community organizations to gather critically important data that articulates the needs of Houston-area residents while working with experts to help identify solutions. This work includes the Greater Houston Community Panel (GHCP), a longitudinal, panel study of more than 7,000 adult residents in Houston and Harris County, which uses quarterly surveys to examine topics like health and well-being, civic engagement and participation, safety and experiences with crime, social connectedness, and financial stability. One of the hallmarks of this work is the Kinder Houston Area Survey, which is entering its 44 th year, making it the longest running survey study of any major metropolitan area in the country. Prior to being Director, Dr. Potter was the Senior Director of Research at the Kinder Institute, where grew the institute from one research center to five research centers. In addition to the Houston Population Research Center, Dr. Potter established and directed the early build out of the housing and neighborhoods, community and public health, and economic mobility and inequality research centers. Dr. Potter was also previously the Associate Director for Regional Research at the Houston Education Research Consortium (HERC), the education research center at the Kinder Institute, where he grew HERC from having a partnership with one school district to having partnerships with 11 school districts in the Houston area who serve over 715,000 students. In these partnerships. Dr. Potter has authored journal articles, research reports/briefs, and book chapters. Dr. Potter earned his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Virginia.

Musician Bio:


Note: Houston Freethought Oasis is a 501(C3) non profit educational organization and is non partisan/unaffiliated with any candidate or political organization/political action committee.

The views of our speakers/musicians do not represent the views of the organization or its employees as a whole

Doors open for coffee and conversation at 10:00 AM.  The program starts at 10:30 AM.

Join In Person

The Montrose Center 

401 Branard St #106

Houston, TX 77006

We are on the first floor of the Montrose Center (One level above the ground floor) in room #107 across from the elevators. You will need to take either the stairs or the elevator to get to Floor 1


We have childcare available https://www.houstonoasis.org/kids

Join Online:

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