— October Bar Night | Special Guest Aron Ra | King's BierHaus September 30 2023 — 2044 E T C Jester Blvd · Houston, TX 77008
Join us for another Houston Oasis Bar Night! This month we're going to King's Bierhaus in the Heights. We'll have Houston Oasis speaker Aron Ra as our guest for the night.
Aron Ra is a science communicator and secular activist with a popular YouTube channel and podcast. His videos promoting scientific skepticism, secular politics, and humanist values have been mirrored, featured, referenced, and recommended by many professional scientists, secularists, and educators.
He is the Director of the Phylogeny Explorer Project, a navigable online encyclopedic depiction of the entire taxonomic tree of life. He produces the Living Science Lessons classroom supplement video series teaching high school biology according to national standards, and unapologetically includes explanations of evolution, climate change, deep-time and other culturally controversial topics in America’s “Bible Belt.” He is also the author of Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism.
Aron Ra is best known for contesting Texas’ State Board of Education in their attempts to denigrate evolution and teach notions of conservative Christian creationism in both science and history classrooms of public schools. He is also a board member of American Atheists.
2044 E T C Jester Blvd
Houston, TX 77008
Find the heathens in Oasis shirts! For more info contact [email protected]