— Emotion and Logic Can Have a Beer Together — 6500 Rookin
Speaker: Jacob Atchison
Main Talk: Emotion and Logic Can Have a Beer Together
Description: How emotions and logic can coexist.
Musician: Leslie Waugh
Speaker Bio:
Jake is a second year psychology graduate student with a lifelong interest in science. He has a particular interest in human behavior and the neurological origins and implications.
Musician Bio:
Houston based singer songwriter Leslie Waugh established her brand of Texas tinged Folk Americana music as "Leslie Krafka" with her debut CD The White Cat Sessions in 2011. She followed it up in 2014 with her well received sophomore CD on•ward, which debuted on the Roots Music Review’s Americana Country Chart. Richard Skanse, the well-known editor and critic of Lonestar Music Magazine proclaimed, “Her songs are real winners too, full of buoyant melodies that never sag or drag and lyrics that convey both maturity and a young-at-heart spirit that’s playful but never fluffy.” And he’s not inclined to exaggeration. Leslie continues to expand her live performance schedule. These days she can heard around Houston and other parts of Texas with her favorite sideman Wayne Wilkerson.
For your safety, Masks REQUIRED for ALL individuals. We will be requiring all people ages 2 and older to wear masks indoors.
Additionally - Bring proof of vaccination!
In order to keep all participants safe, we will be observing the following:
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19 DO NOT attend an Oasis event.
If you test positive and have attended ANY Oasis event within 14 days please notify the Board at Board@HoustonOasis.org. We will keep your name and information anonymous.
Can’t make it in person?
Watch the live stream at www.youtube.com/HoustonOasisOrg1
The stream for this event is https://youtu.be/GywYB3RU82Q
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