— Girl Scout Gold Award Project — Baker Ripley, 6500 Rookin, Houston, TX
Speaker: Ari Ogden
Main Talk: Bed and Breakfast for Bees
The presentation will be about a Girl Scout Gold Award Project to build a pollinator garden. We will hear about non-hive building bees, such as mason and bumble bees.
The Gold Award is the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts of the USA, earned by Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts. Only 5.4% of eligible Girl Scouts successfully earn the Gold Award. —Wikipedia
Musician: Ken Gaines & Wayne Wilkerson
Speaker Bio: Ari Ogden is a member of the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council. She is currently constructing a Pollinator Garden in association with Exploration Green, Keep Pearland Beautiful, and the City of Pearland. The mission of this natural area is to provide a slice of nature that serves as a way-station for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators. The hope is that it inspires others to follow suit and consider organic gardening and natural plants for their own homes. Baby steps can save the world one garden at a time.
Musician Bio: Houston area singer/songwriter, guitarist, producer, and teacher Ken Gaines has the goal of writing great songs in just about every genre and style you can come up with. "For all the great songs that have been written I belong to a wonderful tribe who believe there are a least as many great ones still to be written." His voice has the range to cover all styles and his supple guitar work lays down arrangements instead of just chords. His lyrics are both powerful and poetic and highlight the skills of a story teller and observer of life. In 2005 he was voted Singer Songwriter of the Year by the Academy of Texas Music and in 2007 his song "Einstein's Violin" was nominated Song of the Year at the Texas Music Awards. Onstage, Ken is both into the song and the moment never quite knowing what will happen next. Ken currently has 2 CD's in print, "Catfish Moon" 2006 & "Real Men" 2002 on the Songdog Record label. Ken is available for concerts, club shows, festivals, and house concerts both as a single act or sharing the stage with the likes of Wayne Wilkerson, Claude Butch Morgan, Karen Mal and many more. He's a charter and former board member of the Academy of Texas Music and MyTexasMusic.com where you can find his music and hundreds of other Texas artists. For more information see www.kengaines.com
For your safety, Masks REQUIRED for ALL individuals. We will be requiring all people ages 2 and older to wear masks indoors.
Additionally - Bring proof of vaccination!
In order to keep all participants safe, we will be observing the following:
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19 DO NOT attend an Oasis event.
If you test positive and have attended ANY Oasis event within 14 days please notify the Board at Board@HoustonOasis.org. We will keep your name and information anonymous.
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