—  Hector Garcia —  6500 Rookin St., Houston, TX

Speaker: Hector Garcia
Main Tal
k: TBA

: Petesimple

Speaker Bio:

Hector is a clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of combat-related post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

He has published extensively on the treatment of PTSD in combat veterans, masculine psychology in the aftermath of war, the evolutionary roots of political partisanship, and the interplay between religious practice and psychopathology. Check out his books: ‘Alpha God: The Psychology of Religious Violence and Oppression’ and ‘Sex, Power, and Partisanship: New Evolutionary Science Makes Sense of Our Political Divide.

Musician Bio:
 Petesimple got its start in early 1999 at the University of Houston and plays in and around HOUSTON most months. From the usual wine bar to occasional music festival Petesimple will rock with you all night, and will party everyday.


In order to keep all participants safe, we will be observing the following:

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19 DO NOT attend an Oasis event. 

If you test positive and have attended ANY Oasis event within 14 days please notify the Board at Board@HoustonOasis.org.  We will keep your name and information anonymous.  

For your safety, the safety of high risk individuals, and unvaccinated children, Masks REQUIRED for UNVACCINATED individuals.

We will be requiring children under the age of 12 to wear masks indoors. 


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Join us via facebook live at
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