— Richard Andrews — Baker Ripley, 6500 Rookin, Houston TX 77074
Speaker: Dr. Richard Andrews
Main Talk: TBA
Musician: Ken Gaines and Wayne Wilkerson
Speaker Bio:
Richard is a long time Oasien, and has given both Community Moments and talks at Houston Oasis. He co-hosted Corona Virus Conservations for over a year during the pandemic.
Richard ran for the Texas State Senate in 2020, and the following bio is paraphrased from his website.
Richard was born in Rhode Island and then moved around a bit before coming to Houston in 2008. He moved to Spain with his family when he was one year old, and attended American schools there until finishing high school. His middle-class parents were US government workers, his dad was a chemist, and his mom was a 1st-grade teacher. His first spoken language was Spanish but all his education has been in English.
He studied undergraduate geography at Indiana University, and then entered active duty in the US Naval Reserve. He served as a naval officer on two different ships and left with an honorable discharge.
Richard attended medical school at Univ. of Connecticut, Family Medicine at Georgetown Univ., and Preventive Medicine at Johns Hopkins. He did extra studies in bariatric medicine. He has treated city folks in Washington DC, Baltimore and Houston, as well as country folks on Virginia's Eastern Shore. He is interested in many aspects of medicine, and recently got qualified to treat opioid addiction.
He was once married and has no children. He considers himself a secular humanist, but finds discussion and exploration of religious beliefs fascinating. He respects all faiths.
Musician Bio:
Houston area singer/songwriter, guitarist, producer, and teacher Ken Gaines has the goal of writing great songs in just about every genre and style you can come up with. “For all the great songs that have been written I belong to a wonderful tribe who believe there are a least as many great ones still to be written.” His voice has the range to cover all styles and his supple guitar work lays down arrangements instead of just chords. His lyrics are both powerful and poetic and highlight the skills of a story teller and observer of life. In 2005 he was voted Singer Songwriter of the Year by the Academy of Texas Music and in 2007 his song “Einstein’s Violin” was nominated Song of the Year at the Texas Music Awards.
Ken Gaines and Wayne Wilkerson play together often and can been seen at local favorites like Anderson Fair, The Mucky Duck, and have played at Houston Oasis many times.
In order to keep all participants safe, we will be observing the following:
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19 DO NOT attend an Oasis event.
If you test positive and have attended ANY Oasis event within 14 days please notify the Board at [email protected]. We will keep your name and information anonymous.
For your safety, the safety of high risk individuals, and unvaccinated children, Masks REQUIRED for UNVACCINATED individuals.
We will be requiring children under the age of 12 to wear masks indoors.
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